Fish Care
DO keep the fish cold at all times to maintain its quality.
DO lightly rinse and pat with a paper towel before cooking or freezing. DO NOT immerse tender fleshed fillets (such as salmon and albacore) in water, even briefly, as they can get mushy.
SALMON: If you chose fillets, the few remaining lateral bones can be removed prior to cooking with a good pair of needle-nosed pliers. Firmly grip the bone, while pressing on the surrounding flesh with your free fingers, pulling in the direction of the bone's orientation. These bones can also be removed after the fish is cooked, with less effort.
ALBACORE: If you chose fillets, the few remaining bones and dark red lateral stripe can be easily cut out prior to cooking, or flaked away afterwards. The darker flesh has a stronger flavor, but you may like it. It will not affect the flavor of the surrounding white flesh. If you don't intend to consume your fish within about five days, DO freeze some or all of it, sooner rather than later.
Fish Care and Cooking Tips
Whenever possible we offer locally caught seafood, both as menu items and in our Fish Market. Our facilities allow us to receive and process seafood directly from local boats, ensuring quality control from the time of landing. If you purchase fresh product for home use from our Fish Market or directly from our vessel, the Bonnie Marietta, you'll need to continue that good care in order to fully enjoy its premium quality. Below are some tips for care and cooking.
Cooking Tips
Do NOT overcook! The biggest mistake people make in cooking seafood is to overcook it, which causes it to lose both moisture and flavor. DO check your fish as it cooks and remove it from the heat source when the very center is still slightly rare. Captain Mark likes to say, "If you think it isn't quite done, it probably IS done!" It will finish cooking in the few minutes it takes to get it to the table. Cooking methods and other factors affect cooking times, so DO NOT rely solely on a timer.
Grilling is an excellent method for cooking many seafoods. For best results, grates and baskets need to be well seasoned. Keep your fish moist during grilling by basting during cooking or by marinating in advance. And, again, don't overcook! (Remember that grills vary in temperature, and portion sizes will affect cooking times.)
Don't be afraid to experiment! Many seafoods are extremely versatile and can be prepared in many ways. Try substituting seafood in favorite chicken, beef, or pork recipes. Cooked fish, such as salmon and albacore, may also be frozen in meal-sized quantities, defrosted as needed, and used like canned product. You are limited only by your imagination!
Freezing Tips
Salmon and albacore may be frozen in water, but we DON'T recommend it. The tender flesh will absorb water and expand during freezing, turning it mushy. Freezing in water works better with firm white-fleshed fish such as rock cod and halibut.
DO freeze your fish in airtight packaging. DO protect the fish well with multiple layers of plastic wrap AND a freezer bag or butcher paper. Some customers use "Foodsaver" type vacuum bags.
DO freeze meal-sized portions. DO NOT freeze extra large containers of fish as it takes too long for the center to freeze, allowing quality to deteriorate. Also, packages freeze from the outside in, and food expands when frozen. This pressure may turn the center of the fish soft when thawed.
DO use frozen fish within a reasonable amount of time. Experts recommend using frozen fish within three months. Customers report good success with fish that was frozen for longer than three months, but only you can judge if fish frozen for a longer period meets your standards. And, remember that fish will maintain its quality longer in a freezer maintained at zero degrees.