F/V Bonnie Marietta Charters
When not fishing for salmon or albacore, the Bonnie Marietta is available for research and support charters on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, for the entire west coast. An owner-operated vessel can be a cost effective way to handle many ocean research needs. Captain Mark Tognazzini would be pleased to discuss the possibility of his participation in any of your projects. You can reach him at 805-441-1451.
Past Charters Include
Greenridge Science, Santa Barbara, CA: geophysical effects on rockfish, pilot study
Battalle, Sequim, WA: geophysical effects on rockfish, principal study
UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA: tagging deep-water rockfish, diver support
Coastal Fisheries Foundation, San Raphael, CA: experimental longline study
NMF, Long Beach, CA: marine mammal observation
Clean Seas, Carpinteria, CA: oil spill recovery
Entrix, Walnut Creek, CA: diver support, bottom coring
Kinnetic Labs, Santa Cruz, CA: grab sampling, diver support, bottom coring
Fugro, Ventura, CA: sub-bottom profiling, side scan sonar
Marine Research Specialists, Ventura, CA: bottom and water sampling, ROV support, bottom trawls, plankton tows
Coastal Resources Management, Corona Del Mar, CA: diver support
Marine Resource Consultants, Santa Barbara, CA: diver support
John E. Chance, Lafayette, LA: bottom profiling, side scan sonar, multi beam SeaBat
Racal Pelagos, San Diego, CA: side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiling, diver support
American Pacific Marine, Oxnard, CA: diver support
Ceontic, Oxnard, CA: diver support
Applied Marine Sciences, Livermore, CA: diver support
Stolt Comex Seaway, Oxnard, CA: diver support
Evans-Hamilton, Vicksburg, MS: wave rider deployment, diver support
Marine and Coastal Environmental Sciences, Concord, CA: diver support
World Com/MFS Globenet, Arlington, VA/Los Osos, CA: cable guard boat
Ecomar, Goleta, CA: drill bit recovery, diver support
Aquatic Bioassay and Consulting, Ventura, CA: bottom sampling, diver/ROV support
Moss Landing Marine Labs, Moss Landing, CA: "CICORE" support
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA: "CODAR" support and calibration
Liquid Robotics, Sunnyvale, CA: research vehicle recovery
Deep Solutions Inc., Clearwater, FL: fiber optic installation, diver support
TEG Oceanographic Services, Santa Cruz, CA: diver support
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, CA: SPRAY recovery, surface wind shear R&R project
RESON, Goleta, CA: SeaBat diver support
TNC, Morro Bay, CA: bottom sampling
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA: ocean support/over flight testing
MBARI, Moss Landing, CA: high seas buoy recovery
Vessel Assist, Ventura, CA: panga recovery
Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, CA: white shark buoy deployment, diver support
Clean Seas, Carpentaria, CA: oil boom deployment and recovery
Harbor Breeze Cruises, Long Beach, CA: life raft recovery
Norbit U.S. Ltd., Santa Barbra, CA: oil seep monitoring research and development
Integral Consulting, Louisville, CO: sub-surface transponder support
United States Air Force, SFB Patrick FL: Global Hawk support
U.C. Monterey, Seaside CA: diver support